Yee, J. Y., & Dumbrill, G. C. (in press). [Review of the book] Routledge handbook of critical studies in whiteness, edited by Shona Hunter & Christi van der Westhuizen. Critical Social Policy Journal.
Yee, J. Y., & Dumbrill, G. C. (2022). Evolving theory of whiteness: A journey from W. E. B. Du Bois to shame and call-out culture. In S. S. Shaikh, & B. A. LeFrançois, & T. Macias (eds.), Critical Social Work Praxis (pp., 294-302). Fernwood Publishing.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Yee, J., Y. (2018). Anti-Oppressive Social Work: Ways of Knowing, Talking, and Doing. Oxford University Press, Toronto, Canada. Available at
Greene, S., Ion, A., Dumbrill, G., Teengs, D. O., Beaver, K., Vaccaro, M-E. (2018). “It’s Better Late than Never”: A Community-Based HIV Research and Training Response to Supporting Mothers Living with HIV Who Have Child Welfare Involvement. Journal of Law and Social Policy, 28(1/4), 61-80 [open access]
Damiani-Taraba, G., Dumbrill, G., Gladstone, J., Andrew, Koster, A., Leslie, B., Charles, M., (2017). The evolving relationship between casework skills, engagement, and positive case outcomes in Child Protection: A structural equation model. Children & Youth Services Review, 79, 456-462 [abstract]
Greene, S., O’Brien-Teengs, D., Dumbrill, G. C., Ion, A., Beaver, K., Porter, M., & Desbiens, M. (2016). A community-based research approach to developing an HIV education and training module for child and family service workers in Ontario. In H. M. Montgomery, D. Badry, D. Fuchs, & D. Kikulwe (Eds.), Transforming child welfare: Interdisciplinary practices, field education, and research (pp. 163–185). Regina, Canada: University of Regina Press.
Yee, J. Y., & Dumbrill, G. C. (2016). Whiteout: Still Looking for race in Canadian social work. In A. Al-Krenawi, J. R. Graham, & N. Habibov, Multicultural social work in Canada, Second Edition, (pp. 13-37). Toronto: Oxford University Press.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Lo, W. (2015). Adjusting a power imbalance: There is no anti-oppression without service users' voice. In Esquao Sohki Aski [Jeannine Carriere] & S. Strega (Eds.), Walking this path together: Anti-oppressive child welfare practice (2nd ed., pp. 124–138). Halifax, Canada: Fernwood Publishing.
Gladstone, J., Dumbrill, G., Leslie, B., Koster, A., Young, M., & Ismaila, A. A. (2014). Understanding worker-parent engagement in child protection casework. Children and Youth Services Review, 44, 56-64. 10.1016/j.childyouth.2014.06.002
Lee, B., Sammon, S., Dumbrill, G. C. (eds) (2014) Glossary of terms for anti-oppressive policy and practice: Second edition. Mississauga: CommonAct Press
Gladstone, J., Dumbrill, G., Leslie, B., Koster, A., Young, M., & Ismaila, A. A. (2012). Looking at engagement and outcome from the perspectives of child protection workers and parents. Children and Youth Services Review, 34(1), 112-118.
Dumbrill, G. (2012). Anti-oppressive child welfare: How do we get there from here? The Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies Journal, 57(1), 2-8. [open access]
Dumbrill, G. C. (2011). Doing anti-oppressive child protection casework. In D. Bains (Ed.), Doing anti-oppressive practice: Social justice social work (2nd ed., pp. 51–63). Halifax, Canada: Fernwood Publishing.
Dumbrill, G. C. (2010). Power and child protection: The need for a child protection service users’ union or association. Australian Social Work, 63(2), 194-206.
Young, M., & Dumbrill, G. (Eds.). (2010). Clinical counselling: A vital part of child welfare services. Toronto: Clinical Counselling Child Welfare Committee. [PDF-English] [PDF-French].
Dumbrill, G. C. (2009). Your policies our children: Messages from refugee parents to child welfare workers and policy makers. Child Welfare, 88 (3), p. 145-168.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Lo, W. (2009). What parents say: Service users’ theory and anti-oppressive child welfare practice In S. Strega & J. Carriere (Eds.), Walking this path together: Anti-racist and anti-oppressive child welfare practice (pp. 127–141). Halifax, Canada: Fernwood Publishing.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Rice-Green, J. (2008). Indigenous knowledge in the social work academy. Social Work Education: The International Journal, 27(5), p. 489-503.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Rice-Green, J. (2007). Including Indigenous knowledge in Web-based learning. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 25 (1/2), p. 103-116.
[Above article reprinted in C. K. Law, Y. C. Wong, & J. Y. C Fung. (2007). HUSITA7—The 7th international conference of human services information technology applications: Digital inclusion—building a digital inclusive society. New York: Haworth Press].
Lee, B., Sammon, S., Dumbrill, G. C. (eds) (2007) Glossary of terms for anti-oppressive policy and practice: Revised edition. Mississauga: CommonAct Press
Dumbrill, G. C. (2006). Ontario’s child welfare transformation: Another swing of the pendulum? The Canadian Social Work Review, 23(1-2), p. 5-9.
Dumbrill, G. C. (2006). Parental experience of child protection intervention: A qualitative study. Child Abuse & Neglect: The International Journal, 30(1), 27-37.
Dumbrill, G. C. (2006). Should I go or should I stay? An anti-racist child welfare training dilemma. In B. Lee & S. Todd (Eds.). A casebook of community practice: Problems and strategies. (pp. 149-155). Mississauga: CommonAct Press.
Rice-Green, J., & Dumbrill, G. C. (2005). A child welfare course for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students: Pedagogical and technical challenges. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 23(3/4), 167-181.
[Above article reprinted in R. J. MacFadden, B. Moore, M. Herie & D. Schoech (Eds.). Web-based education in the human services: Models, methods, and best practices. New York: Haworth Press].
MacFadden, R. J., Herie, M., Maiter, S., & Dumbrill, G. C. (2005). Achieving high touch in high tech: A constructivist, emotionally-oriented model of web-based instruction. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 25(1-2), 21-44.
[Above article reprinted in R. Beaulaurier & M. Haffey (Eds.). Technology and social work education and curriculum: The high tech, high touch social work educator. New York: Haworth Press].
Lee, B., Sammon, s., Dumbrill, G. C. (eds) (2005) Glossary of terms for anti-oppressive policy and practice. Mississauga: CommonAct Press.
Dumbrill, G. C. (Ed.) (2005). Child welfare in Ontario: Developing a collaborative intervention model. Toronto: Ontario Association of Children's Aid Societies. [PDF]
Dumbrill, G. C., & Maiter, S. (2004). Moving from clients evaluating services to clients designing services, The Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies Journal, 48(4), 17-21.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Maiter, S. (2004). To understand ‘Others’ we must first understand ourselves: How Canada’s dominant White culture shapes our perceptions of ethnic minorities. British Columbia Association of Social Worker’s Perspectives Newsmagazine 26 (3), 12-13.
Yee, J. Y., & Dumbrill, G. C. (2003). Whiteout: Looking for race in Canadian social work. In J. Graham & J. Al-Krenawi (Eds.), Multicultural social work in Canada. (pp. 98-121). Toronto: Oxford University Press.
Dumbrill, G. C. (2003). Child welfare: AOP’s nemesis? In W. Shera (Ed.), Emerging perspectives on anti-oppressive practice (pp. 101-119). Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Maiter, S. (2003). Child protection clients designing the services they receive: An idea from practice. Child and Family: A Journal of the Notre Dame Child and Family Institute, 7(1), 5-10.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Maiter, S. (2003). Multicultural social work revisited. New Brunswick Association of Social Workers Dossier Newsmagazine 14(2), 11-12.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Maiter, S. (2003). Developing racial and cultural equity in social work. Connection: Nova Scotia Association of Social Workers Newsmagazine, 10(37), 1 & 21-23.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Maiter, S. (2003). Developing racial and cultural equity in child welfare. The Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies Journal, 47(2), 27-31.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Maiter, S. (2003). Child protection clients designing the services they receive: An idea from practice. Child and Family: A Journal of the Notre Dame Child and Family Institute, 7(1), 5-10.
MacFadden, R. J., Maiter, S., & Dumbrill. G. C. (2002). High tech and high touch: The human face of online education. Journal of New Technology in the Human Services, 20(3), 283-300.
[Above article reprinted in P. S. Anderson & H. Resnick (Eds.) (2002) . Innovations in technology and human services. (pp. 283-301). New York: Haworth Press.]
MacFadden, R. J., Dumbrill. G C., Maiter, S. (2000). Web-based education in a graduate faculty of social work: Crossing the new frontier. Journal of New Technology in the Human Services, 13 (1&2), 27-38.
Duval, J., Clouthier, K., & Dumbrill, G. C. (1999). All have won, so all deserve prizes: An interview with Scott Miller. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 18 (3), 77-94.
Dumbrill, G. C., Maiter, S., Moore, D., & Morrison, M. (1999). History and today in child welfare: The Ministry of Community and Social Services Ontario child protection training program and new worker training series caseworker core module 1. Toronto: Ministry of Community and Social Services.
Dumbrill, G. C. (1998). Carols in the trenches. In T. S. Nelson & T. S. Trepper (Eds.), 101 more interventions in family therapy. (pp. 397-401). New York: Haworth Press.
Dumbrill, G. C. (1998). The history of child welfare. Toronto: Ontario Child Welfare Training Systems.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Maiter, S. (1998). Assessment: An advanced training module for supervisors and senior practitioners. Toronto: Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies & the Children’s Aid Society of Toronto.
Maiter, S., & Dumbrill. G. C. (1998). Working with cultural diversity in child protection social work: A child welfare training module. Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies & Ministry of Community and Social Services.
Dumbrill G. C., & Maiter, S. (1997). Cross cultural child protection practice. Toronto: Ontario Child Welfare Training System.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Maiter, S. (1996). Supporting foster parents in working with the parents of children in care. Common Ground, 13(4), 16.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Maiter, S. (1996). Developing racial and cultural equity in social work practice. The Social Worker, 64(3), 89-94. [PDF]
Dumbrill, G. C. (1994). Preparing children in care for independence: A developmental process. The Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies Journal, 38(4), 15-19.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Maiter, S. (1994). Foster parents and natural parents: Establishing a powerful working alliance. The Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies Journal, 38(3), 12-15.
Dumbrill, G. C. (1992). Foster parent notes. The Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies Journal, 36(7), 12-16.
Greene, S., Ion, A., Dumbrill, G., Teengs, D. O., Beaver, K., Vaccaro, M-E. (2018). “It’s Better Late than Never”: A Community-Based HIV Research and Training Response to Supporting Mothers Living with HIV Who Have Child Welfare Involvement. Journal of Law and Social Policy, 28(1/4), 61-80 [open access]
Damiani-Taraba, G., Dumbrill, G., Gladstone, J., Andrew, Koster, A., Leslie, B., Charles, M., (2017). The evolving relationship between casework skills, engagement, and positive case outcomes in Child Protection: A structural equation model. Children & Youth Services Review, 79, 456-462 [abstract]
Greene, S., O’Brien-Teengs, D., Dumbrill, G. C., Ion, A., Beaver, K., Porter, M., & Desbiens, M. (2016). A community-based research approach to developing an HIV education and training module for child and family service workers in Ontario. In H. M. Montgomery, D. Badry, D. Fuchs, & D. Kikulwe (Eds.), Transforming child welfare: Interdisciplinary practices, field education, and research (pp. 163–185). Regina, Canada: University of Regina Press.
Yee, J. Y., & Dumbrill, G. C. (2016). Whiteout: Still Looking for race in Canadian social work. In A. Al-Krenawi, J. R. Graham, & N. Habibov, Multicultural social work in Canada, Second Edition, (pp. 13-37). Toronto: Oxford University Press.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Lo, W. (2015). Adjusting a power imbalance: There is no anti-oppression without service users' voice. In Esquao Sohki Aski [Jeannine Carriere] & S. Strega (Eds.), Walking this path together: Anti-oppressive child welfare practice (2nd ed., pp. 124–138). Halifax, Canada: Fernwood Publishing.
Gladstone, J., Dumbrill, G., Leslie, B., Koster, A., Young, M., & Ismaila, A. A. (2014). Understanding worker-parent engagement in child protection casework. Children and Youth Services Review, 44, 56-64. 10.1016/j.childyouth.2014.06.002
Lee, B., Sammon, S., Dumbrill, G. C. (eds) (2014) Glossary of terms for anti-oppressive policy and practice: Second edition. Mississauga: CommonAct Press
Gladstone, J., Dumbrill, G., Leslie, B., Koster, A., Young, M., & Ismaila, A. A. (2012). Looking at engagement and outcome from the perspectives of child protection workers and parents. Children and Youth Services Review, 34(1), 112-118.
Dumbrill, G. (2012). Anti-oppressive child welfare: How do we get there from here? The Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies Journal, 57(1), 2-8. [open access]
Dumbrill, G. C. (2011). Doing anti-oppressive child protection casework. In D. Bains (Ed.), Doing anti-oppressive practice: Social justice social work (2nd ed., pp. 51–63). Halifax, Canada: Fernwood Publishing.
Dumbrill, G. C. (2010). Power and child protection: The need for a child protection service users’ union or association. Australian Social Work, 63(2), 194-206.
Young, M., & Dumbrill, G. (Eds.). (2010). Clinical counselling: A vital part of child welfare services. Toronto: Clinical Counselling Child Welfare Committee. [PDF-English] [PDF-French].
Dumbrill, G. C. (2009). Your policies our children: Messages from refugee parents to child welfare workers and policy makers. Child Welfare, 88 (3), p. 145-168.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Lo, W. (2009). What parents say: Service users’ theory and anti-oppressive child welfare practice In S. Strega & J. Carriere (Eds.), Walking this path together: Anti-racist and anti-oppressive child welfare practice (pp. 127–141). Halifax, Canada: Fernwood Publishing.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Rice-Green, J. (2008). Indigenous knowledge in the social work academy. Social Work Education: The International Journal, 27(5), p. 489-503.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Rice-Green, J. (2007). Including Indigenous knowledge in Web-based learning. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 25 (1/2), p. 103-116.
[Above article reprinted in C. K. Law, Y. C. Wong, & J. Y. C Fung. (2007). HUSITA7—The 7th international conference of human services information technology applications: Digital inclusion—building a digital inclusive society. New York: Haworth Press].
Lee, B., Sammon, S., Dumbrill, G. C. (eds) (2007) Glossary of terms for anti-oppressive policy and practice: Revised edition. Mississauga: CommonAct Press
Dumbrill, G. C. (2006). Ontario’s child welfare transformation: Another swing of the pendulum? The Canadian Social Work Review, 23(1-2), p. 5-9.
Dumbrill, G. C. (2006). Parental experience of child protection intervention: A qualitative study. Child Abuse & Neglect: The International Journal, 30(1), 27-37.
Dumbrill, G. C. (2006). Should I go or should I stay? An anti-racist child welfare training dilemma. In B. Lee & S. Todd (Eds.). A casebook of community practice: Problems and strategies. (pp. 149-155). Mississauga: CommonAct Press.
Rice-Green, J., & Dumbrill, G. C. (2005). A child welfare course for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students: Pedagogical and technical challenges. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 23(3/4), 167-181.
[Above article reprinted in R. J. MacFadden, B. Moore, M. Herie & D. Schoech (Eds.). Web-based education in the human services: Models, methods, and best practices. New York: Haworth Press].
MacFadden, R. J., Herie, M., Maiter, S., & Dumbrill, G. C. (2005). Achieving high touch in high tech: A constructivist, emotionally-oriented model of web-based instruction. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 25(1-2), 21-44.
[Above article reprinted in R. Beaulaurier & M. Haffey (Eds.). Technology and social work education and curriculum: The high tech, high touch social work educator. New York: Haworth Press].
Lee, B., Sammon, s., Dumbrill, G. C. (eds) (2005) Glossary of terms for anti-oppressive policy and practice. Mississauga: CommonAct Press.
Dumbrill, G. C. (Ed.) (2005). Child welfare in Ontario: Developing a collaborative intervention model. Toronto: Ontario Association of Children's Aid Societies. [PDF]
Dumbrill, G. C., & Maiter, S. (2004). Moving from clients evaluating services to clients designing services, The Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies Journal, 48(4), 17-21.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Maiter, S. (2004). To understand ‘Others’ we must first understand ourselves: How Canada’s dominant White culture shapes our perceptions of ethnic minorities. British Columbia Association of Social Worker’s Perspectives Newsmagazine 26 (3), 12-13.
Yee, J. Y., & Dumbrill, G. C. (2003). Whiteout: Looking for race in Canadian social work. In J. Graham & J. Al-Krenawi (Eds.), Multicultural social work in Canada. (pp. 98-121). Toronto: Oxford University Press.
Dumbrill, G. C. (2003). Child welfare: AOP’s nemesis? In W. Shera (Ed.), Emerging perspectives on anti-oppressive practice (pp. 101-119). Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Maiter, S. (2003). Child protection clients designing the services they receive: An idea from practice. Child and Family: A Journal of the Notre Dame Child and Family Institute, 7(1), 5-10.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Maiter, S. (2003). Multicultural social work revisited. New Brunswick Association of Social Workers Dossier Newsmagazine 14(2), 11-12.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Maiter, S. (2003). Developing racial and cultural equity in social work. Connection: Nova Scotia Association of Social Workers Newsmagazine, 10(37), 1 & 21-23.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Maiter, S. (2003). Developing racial and cultural equity in child welfare. The Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies Journal, 47(2), 27-31.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Maiter, S. (2003). Child protection clients designing the services they receive: An idea from practice. Child and Family: A Journal of the Notre Dame Child and Family Institute, 7(1), 5-10.
MacFadden, R. J., Maiter, S., & Dumbrill. G. C. (2002). High tech and high touch: The human face of online education. Journal of New Technology in the Human Services, 20(3), 283-300.
[Above article reprinted in P. S. Anderson & H. Resnick (Eds.) (2002) . Innovations in technology and human services. (pp. 283-301). New York: Haworth Press.]
MacFadden, R. J., Dumbrill. G C., Maiter, S. (2000). Web-based education in a graduate faculty of social work: Crossing the new frontier. Journal of New Technology in the Human Services, 13 (1&2), 27-38.
Duval, J., Clouthier, K., & Dumbrill, G. C. (1999). All have won, so all deserve prizes: An interview with Scott Miller. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 18 (3), 77-94.
Dumbrill, G. C., Maiter, S., Moore, D., & Morrison, M. (1999). History and today in child welfare: The Ministry of Community and Social Services Ontario child protection training program and new worker training series caseworker core module 1. Toronto: Ministry of Community and Social Services.
Dumbrill, G. C. (1998). Carols in the trenches. In T. S. Nelson & T. S. Trepper (Eds.), 101 more interventions in family therapy. (pp. 397-401). New York: Haworth Press.
Dumbrill, G. C. (1998). The history of child welfare. Toronto: Ontario Child Welfare Training Systems.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Maiter, S. (1998). Assessment: An advanced training module for supervisors and senior practitioners. Toronto: Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies & the Children’s Aid Society of Toronto.
Maiter, S., & Dumbrill. G. C. (1998). Working with cultural diversity in child protection social work: A child welfare training module. Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies & Ministry of Community and Social Services.
Dumbrill G. C., & Maiter, S. (1997). Cross cultural child protection practice. Toronto: Ontario Child Welfare Training System.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Maiter, S. (1996). Supporting foster parents in working with the parents of children in care. Common Ground, 13(4), 16.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Maiter, S. (1996). Developing racial and cultural equity in social work practice. The Social Worker, 64(3), 89-94. [PDF]
Dumbrill, G. C. (1994). Preparing children in care for independence: A developmental process. The Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies Journal, 38(4), 15-19.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Maiter, S. (1994). Foster parents and natural parents: Establishing a powerful working alliance. The Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies Journal, 38(3), 12-15.
Dumbrill, G. C. (1992). Foster parent notes. The Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies Journal, 36(7), 12-16.