I am looking for volunteers to take part in a study about how Children’s Aid workers and parents work successfully together in cases where parents face a barrier caused by things such as:
  • poverty
  • disability
  • not having a high school diploma
  • homelessness
  • racism
  • sexism
  • religious intolerance
  • cultural issues etc.
If you take part, you will be given a choice of meeting with a researcher for two individual interviews or attending two group meetings with others taking part. Each meeting will last between 60-90 minutes. In these meetings participants will be asked to talk about how they managed to work successfully with a worker or parent.

Those wishing to attend more than two meetings may do so and can have a say in how the research findings will be presented and used.

If you are a worker, or a parent, and want more information about participating, leave a message at my office (905-525-9140 ext 23791) or e-mail me ( and I will get back to you ASAP.

In recognition that parent participating may incur financial costs being away from work or in transport etc, a parent participating will receive a $50.00 honorarium. Workers do not usually face the same financial costs participating and usually take part in such research as a part of their professional work, but to do so fit research into extremely busy schedules. To recognize this fact workers will receive a $20.00 gift card (Tim Horton’s or Chapters) as a token of appreciation.

This study has been reviewed by, and received ethics clearance by the McMaster Research Ethics Board.

Dr. Gary Dumbrill
School of Social Work
Kenneth Taylor Hall 319
1280 Main Street West
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, L8S 4M4
Phone 905.525.9140 ext 23791
Fax. 905.577.4667