We are conducting a long-term study into the things that social workers, therapists or counselors do that clients find most helpful. If you have had a social worker, therapist or counselor who has said or done something that you found very helpful, consider taking part in this study and telling us about it. To take part in this study, or to find out more, contact Dr. Gary Dumbrill at McMaster University

Leave at Gary’s office (905-525-9140 ext 23791) or e-mail Gary and Gary or a member of his research team will get back to you ASAP (if we call you back no information about the study will be left on voice mail or with any other third party at that number)

If you take part in this study you will be given a choice of meeting with a researcher for an individual interview or meeting with a researcher in a group with others taking part. The meeting will last between 60-90 minutes. In the meeting you (and other participants if you attend a group) will be asked what it was your social worker, therapist or counselor did to help you. If you have more to say than can be said in one meeting, you may be able to meet again.

A $10.00 Tim Horton’s gift card will be given as a small token of appreciation for taking part.

This study has been reviewed by, and received ethics clearance by the McMaster Research Ethics Board.

If you are a student of community professional interested in becoming a part of the research team, contact Gary Dumbrill.

Dr. Gary Dumbrill
School of Social Work
Kenneth Taylor Hall 319
1280 Main Street West
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, L8S 4M4
Phone 905.525.9140 ext 23791
Fax. 905.577.4667